6. Organizing Components #

Created Wednesday 09 September 2020

FIXME, write about - destructure props, smart vs dumb, headless components, styleProps/classProps, slots, propSets, dependencyInversion for generic buttons, core + common + page-components + pages directory, constants in enums, util functions in a dedicated file, custom hooks, component/page <–> Redux thunk <–> endpoint file arch.

Why #

React is all about components and so it’s normal to have more than 100 components in a project. Due to which organization becomes more important.

How #

There are many ways to organize files:

  1. Into components (specific components), shared(wrapper or shared components), main (integrating components) folders.
  2. Have app’s section wise folders and keep them heirarchical low levelled.

There are many ways. Just use what makes work on the app a pleasure.