It’s done using - React Navigation (lib), a very popular lib (has become like de-facto).

An abstraction for ‘simple’ navigation. Since mobile apps doesn’t have a construct of URLs.

The library introduces concepts like

  1. “Screens”
  2. “name” (analogue of URL/route used in ReactRouter). “/” is not something.
  3. “Stack” - it maintains a stack. analogue of History API (of web)
  4. Navigator (routes markup). Each element points to a screen component.
    • Supports individual (of course)
    • Supports groups too
  5. Programmatic navigation - hooks for it.


More stuff

  1. Navigator can pass initialParams to the screen being rendered.
  2. Provides some default style for any screen.
  3. Screen can be provided with styles screenOptions
  4. Navigator markup supports two kind of children:
    • Supports individual (of course)
    • Supports groups too. Can be nested.
  5. Tab navigation - bottom tabs (e.g. Zomato bottom). NavigationContainer, Tab.Navigator, Tab.Screen
    • how to set up - directly use inside the Navigator (route markup), of course using a component prop.
  6. Drawer navigation - side bar (collapsible)
    • how to set up - directly use inside the Navigator (route markup), of course using a component prop.
  7. Other navs - there are other things.
  8. Combination of stuff - of course, can be done.