8. Emulators #

Created Tue Nov 14, 2023 at 2:01 PM

General #

To test apps quickly, we use emulators provided by Android Studio/Xcode. They’re not a replacement for “testing”, but are essential for quick development.

When RN runs, it provides some dev options inside the device (emulator/physical). This is activated by Pressing Ctrl + M (in emulator) or by shaking the device (for physical device). Options here include:

  1. ‘Reload’
  2. ‘Inspector’ - Elements tree/styling inspector
  3. ‘Debug’ - Managing debug daemon

Android #

For Android. Open Android Studio (no need to open a project), go to AVD and create a device.

Close Android Studio/Xcode.

To start the app, need to run two terminals simultaneously.

  1. npm start - start Metro
  2. npm run android or npm run ios - install/update app on emulator by running

If any physical device are connected via adb, they’ll also update without interfering with the emulator.

iOS #

For iOS. Open the project in Xcode, go to platforms and create a device with Rosetta (on M1 laptops).

Close Xcode.

To start the app, need to run two terminals simultaneously.

  1. npm start - start Metro
  2. npm run ios - install/update app on emulator by running

If any physical device are connected via adb, they’ll also update without interfering with the emulator.

Windows #